Your Privacy is Our Greatest Concern

last updated: 4/11/16

circleSnap respects its customers, clients and partners. We vow to take every step to keep your data (email address, name, address, etc.) safe and never to misuse it.

What we won’t do:

We won’t ever sell your personal information to anyone else.
We won’t spam you.
We won’t divulge your information to anyone you haven’t explicitly given us permission to do so.

What we will do with your data:

Aggregate anonymous information about how you use circleSnap.
Gather information about how you vote and view videos to see what’s popular.
Gather information on how videos are viewed so we can make sure our platform runs smoothly for you.
Delete all user-identifiable data upon your request.

About Our Electronic Cookies: places cookies, which are small data files, on your computer or handheld device. The use of cookies is standard for all websites. Cookies allow us to collect information about browsing and buying behavior, and are essential in order to provide a high quality website experience for you.

By using the website, you consent to cookies being used. If you do not consent, please disable cookies in your browser settings.




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Woooohoooooo! thanks, we'll be in touch soon. :)